
What is neoliberalism and why do we need to understand it for development and climate change defau

What is neoliberalism  and why do we need to understand it for development and climate change  defau What is neoliberalism, and why do we need to understand it for development and climate change?

Wednesday 6th November 2019 1-2:30PM

Although neoliberalism has dominated the global and many national economies for nearly forty years, it is still poorly understood and confusing for many. This is especially the case for how it relates to development generally and climate change specifically. In this presentation, the origins of the term will be examined, and why it is so confusing will be explained.

The focus will be on how ideas of ‘free trade’ have damaged people’s well-being by reducing the power of governments and enabling the global and many national economies to be captured and manipulated by large corporations and “the one percent”. This gives rise to a situation where ‘development’ is subordinated to the power of a few, and climate change is manipulated as a new source of profit and domination over the poor.

Speaker - Terry Cannon, research fellow at IDS


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