
150222 PM Cost of Sacrifice

150222 PM Cost of Sacrifice ** Cost of Sacrifice ** Various things in our lives carry different value to different people. What may be a sacrifice to some might be of little value to another. But as we think about dedicating our lives to the Savior, we cannot help but be touched by the greatness of His sacrifice. What of value will we offer to the Lord in our service? In 2 Samuel 24:24, King David states he will not offer to the Lord that which cost him nothing. Does God still look for this attitude from Christians today? I. The Value of What we offer a. When we understand sacrifice and the magnitude of the God we serve, we should desire to be a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1-2) b. The children of Israel sometimes offered the worst rather than the best. How did God respond? (Mal. 1:8,13-14) c. We must be certain to not offer a blemished sacrifice as we live before a Holy God! (Titus 2:14, 1 Cor. 12, Phil.1:20) II. It costs Nothing to Give Nothing a. There are certain things we may offer to God, but are they REALLY a sacrifice? b. Remember the people of God in the Old Testament. Consider what they had to do and the work involved in the giving of their sacrifices to God. (2 Chron.15, 29, 35) c. God asks for our best –what are you willing to give? (Matt. 6:24, 1 Thess. 5:22, Rom. 6:1-2, 12) III. Who will pay the Cost? a. Christ calls us to be a people willing to give all for Him! (Matt. 19:29) b. “Surrender or destruction of something prized for something of higher value” is one definition of sacrifice. Let’s remember how much value God places on our souls. c. Christ was willing to give what none of us could. He paid the cost for us. (2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Peter 3:18, Gal. 3:13) We face the same question that King David did; what can we offer to God to make our sin right? We can give the sacrifice of true and full obedience to Him. Yes, it will cost us something, but that is part of what it means to serve the Most High. Do not try to offer God that which costs you nothing. It will not please Him, nor will it save your soul. Let us be willing and happy to offer our lives of service to Him who created and gave all for us!


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