
Lambda Days - Konrad Malawski - Types of Types... in Scala

Lambda Days - Konrad Malawski - Types of Types... in Scala Scala's type system is quite a complex one when you think about it. Turns out that there are above 20 "types of types" with their own names, specific use cases and trade-offs!

In this talk we'll deep dive into some of the more interesting types, highlighting why we need them, and where to use their power. For example we'll tackle Type Constructors and Higher Kinds - and why they're not the same thing! We'll also talk about Type Classes, Phantom Types, Structural Typing and others. All with the goal of reaching Type Level Nirvana - or simply learning more about type systems. :-)

The talk is targeted at developers who have seen at some Scala, but there's no need to be proficient with it..

Lambda Days,Konrad Malawski,types,scala,

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