
Network Effects: Categories & Debates (2 of 3)

Network Effects: Categories & Debates (2 of 3) We've defined network effects -- from what they are and aren't to how to measure and manage them in practice -- but network effects have still always been hotly debated: Where are they, are they real, are they enduring... and so on.

So in this second video of our three-part miniseries on network effects, a16z operating partner Frank Chen sets up some quick lightning-round style debates between a16z consumer deal & investing team partners D'Arcy Coolican and Li Jin to discuss categories such as cities, food delivery, social networks, and more.

Andreessen Horowitz,a16z,marketplaces,network effects,social networks,food delivery,data,competition,strategy,startups,entrepreneurship,data network effects,machine learning,ride sharing,

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