
Placed - Episode 10 "Veronica"

Placed - Episode 10 While the adoptee experience is unique for each individual involved, there is one thing that is universal - the often conflicting feelings of pain and joy. Some stories might lean towards the positive side, while others may end up more negative than desired. I feel it is important to share ALL stories of adoption, whether they are in a positive light, a negative light, or somewhere in the grey zone. I believe when we are open about these experiences, and share them with others on a personal level, we can make a difference for each other.

This is Veronica's story. Having been placed through a closed adoption at 6 weeks old, she talks about the secrecy and lies that can make up one of the faces of adoption, as well as the struggle to find the story of her past and where she came from. She finds that sometimes uncovering these pieces of the past can be painful, and only opens up further questions. In her search, she was able to find some answers, and to develop a new goal- finding her brother.

Thank you for watching this story, and for sharing it with others.

If you have any information regarding Veronica's brother, please send an email through
Or send a message through the Adoption Awareness Facebook Page

Adoption,Closed Adoption,Birth family search,Reunited with birth family,

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