
Stop Pleasing Other People - Subliminal Meditation 528 Hz Healing Frequency

Stop Pleasing Other People - Subliminal Meditation 528 Hz Healing Frequency People pleasing is the constant urge to put others first, usually, at your expense. Download mp3:
This subliminal meditation can help you develop the ability to prioritize your needs without feeling guilty. It can help you feel comfortable saying “no” while staying true to yourself.

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Gradually, the anxiety that arises every time you choose to live for you, instead of constantly caretaking for the needs of other grownups (a job that is not yours anyway), will dissipate.

People pleasing is a psychologically learned behavior and can be stopped. I wrote a detailed blog post on this specific subject. If you want to learn more about it, and, most importantly – how to stop pleasing people once and for all, check it out here

*The first hour of this session contains the healing Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz - pure tone (no brainwaves).

*Headphones are recommended to maximize results.
*Listen at night or when you're completely comfortable, where nothing or no one can disturb you. Never listen in a moving vehicle.

The affirmations ('you' and 'I' statements)
I respect my needs
I feel comfortable taking care of my needs first
I have a right to take care of my needs first
It is safe for me to take care of my needs first
I am important; I matter; I am valuable
I survive and thrive when I put my needs first
I survive and thrive when I stay true to myself and my needs
I feel comfortable staying true to myself and my needs
I am joyfully letting go of pleasing others
I am choosing to put myself first and feel absolutely ok with it
I feel good about myself, even if others stop liking me
I feel good about myself, even if others disapprove of me
My feeling of worthiness is independent of others’ approval
I am a worthy person, even if others disapprove of me
My needs, feelings, and opinions are valid
I have a right to stay true to my needs and values
I joyfully break free of pleasing other people

People pleasing,Pleasing people,Pleasing others,People pleaser,Stop people pleasing,Put yourself first,Guilt,Learn to put yourself first,Overcome guilt,Putting others first,Needs,Put your needs first,Subliminal messages,Subliminal,Poeple pleasing,Please others,Meditation,Change,Personal development,Subconscious,Programming,Patterns,Change your patterns,Relaxing meditation,528 Hz,Healing,

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