
too many very logical, intelligent, sensible patrons of your fine channels waptek

too many very logical, intelligent, sensible patrons of your fine channels waptek Hey bro, I was just thinking that you dont get enough wacky questions asked, too many very logical, intelligent, sensible patrons of your fine channels. I was just pondering whilst getting a manicure earlier what would the world be like if it didnt have humans... think about it bro, we are just one species on this planet, and pretty much the dominant intelligent conscious rulers bro, if we were not around then the next most influencial animal on the planet is a huge step down in comparison - it wouldnt understand about space, stars, planets, language, invention, tools, transportation etc etc.... Now bro, lets pretend that you were an alien (should be easy for you Klaatu ??) and arrived on a humanless planet, what would you think of it?, just think bro (should be easy for you ??) if we ever do as humans find another planet with life on it, what do you think is more likely bro? is it going to likely be some kind of fungus bacteria, a planet of animals like ours of different species (not necessarily what we would consider intelligent - like cows & stuff) or occupied by similar or more advanced lifeforms to us, or completely different, like a jellified lifeform a bit like octopuss. Thanks again bro, you are a star, I must dash to my zoomba class now. Ta ta

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