
Chill Friday mount farming #WorldOfWarcraft with Kop

Chill Friday mount farming #WorldOfWarcraft with Kop So today we venture forth again into the murky world of mount farming. Can Kop manage to wrangle a 1% (or less) drop from all these legacy raids and dungeons? We will most certainly find out Come join the chill fun as we attempt to track down everything from the elusive ashes of alar all the way up to The Cobalt Primal Direhorn.

Mount Farming Planner we will LOOSELY be following can be found here:

Want to Support Kop and the stream on Patreon, and get cool rewards at the same time? Kop has ya covered.

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Where are you from? – I am from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

How old are you? – I am 44 years old

What realm are you on? My main realm is Firetree (PVP) – US
This toon is on Perenolde (PvE) - US

What class/Spec do you play? I main a Windwalker Monk, Although I play all classes, badly.

Are you Crazy? - To paraphrase one of my favourite TV Characters “I am definitely a madman with a computer.” I have NEVER made ANY claims to sanity.

Opening and closing stream Music provided courtesy pf Sharm-

and TechnoAxe

Some of my more Asked about Add-ons are :

Elite Player Frame (Enhanced) : Puts the “rare mob” silver dragon around my character portrait, when I reach max level it will turn golden and become the “elite mob” golden dragon

Star Cursor – It puts a star next to my cursor that grows the faster I move it. This way it is almost impossible to “lose my mouse”

In Flight – Does what it says on the tin. It adds a flight timer to my UI and an estimate to the map the the flight master shows.

Bartender - My main UI add-on. It reconfigures your main action bars to mimic the keypad on an MMO Mouse to help train your brain to think of the keys and your actions bound to them in that fashion.

Add On Control Panel: A Modular Add on that allows saving sets of add ons So you can copy from one character to another and streamline How many add-ons you have running at any one time.

Our ongoing charity campaign in memorium of my brother and to support St. Judes Children's Research Hospital info:

Donate here:
Fundraising Info here:
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