
Do you know You are the product of your choice, आप वही बन पाते है जो आप अपने लिए चुनते हैं

Do you know You are the product of your choice, आप वही बन पाते है जो आप अपने लिए चुनते हैं We are constantly making choices, from which shoes or socks to wear or what to drink; these choices add up and become a part of who we are as a person and influences the choices we will make in the future. The simple truth is that choices were made 15, 20, 25, and 30 years ago that resulted in us being exactly where and who we are today.
My video is an effort to explain this simple fact.
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#letsnurtureourminds #youareproductofyourchoice

who are you,who am I,we are the product of our choice,आप वही बन पाते है जो आप अपने लिए चुनते हैं,are you hurt here is the solution,what he choose he becomes,what choice we make?make our future,you are the product of your choice,you are product of your choice,i am product of my choice,meaning of product of choice,you are product of your choice in hindi,who are you in hindi,

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