
How to deal with MIXED SIGNALS: Q&A

How to deal with MIXED SIGNALS: Q&A I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to have a staycation in the city with HERBAL ESSENCES!! I thought this would be a fun way to answer some of my #LOVEBUGS most asked questions all about MIXED SIGNALS & PERSONAL questions in this VLOG!!!

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Hi, I'm Kimberly and this channel is all about relationships, dating, crushes and confidence, but I also mix in quite a bit of my personal life including pregnancy, my family, my life, and and work! I went to school for 14 years to get my doctoral degree in Psychology so I have lots of life advice for you guys!

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In this video we talked about: Q&A, real talk, honest advice, mixed signals, dealing with college relationships, value you, guys, high school, ask kimberly, ask kimberly Q&A


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