
My Gf Was Covered In Bruises. Her Parents Weren't Supposed To Know Why!

My Gf Was Covered In Bruises. Her Parents Weren't Supposed To Know Why! ★ DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR STORY ANIMATED? SEND IT TO



Hi, I'm Daniel. I wanna tell you a story of how I was accused of beating my girlfriend.

I had been dating Dinah for a couple of months and everything was great, except for her parents. The first time I met them her father tried to strangle me for kissing her. I didn't blame him because I've always looked much older and it was easy to mistake me for an adult. I even had to show him my school ID to prove that I was only 16. She said they were just being protective but one time they went overboard with their "protection."

So, everything started with us wanting to go to a concert. Obviously, her parents wouldn't let her go and I told her that it was fine, we would just watch the live stream on the net. But she called me a ""quitter"" and said that she had already bought tickets anyway and if I wanted I could stay home like a wet blanket. So, of course, I went. I lied and swore to her parents that I was taking her to the theater and like a good boyfriend I would return her home safely.

At the concert, we were having a great time when suddenly Dinah got dragged into the mosh pit. I ran after her and pulled her out of it, but she still got pushed around by the crowd. She seemed to enjoy it too much and I had to stop her from rushing right back. Don't get me wrong, she's very tough and fierce for someone who's only 5 feet tall. But people had already thrown her around like a ball and I didn't want to risk her getting hurt.

On our way home though I noticed that she was covered in bruises. Most were tiny, but one that was forming on her ribs promised to be huge. She started to freak out saying that if her parents noticed something, they would kill her, me, and probably the band, just for good measure. So I gave her my hoodie to cover the damage and then walked her home. Later that night she texted me that everything was fine. But when she didn't call me the next day, I started to worry.
Days went by and I couldn't reach her. She wasn't answering my calls or reading my messages. And I left dozens of them. I didn't know whether we screwed up big time or if she was just mad at me for something. I honestly hoped I was the problem and her parents didn't find out we went to the concert. There was only one way to know though, so I went to ask her what was going on face to face. I even brought flowers. I figured that I would give them to either Dinah or to her mom depending on who was mad at who. Also, it couldn't hurt to show them what a considerate young man I was.

When I finally got to Dinah's house I was met by her furious father who, for some reason, had a shovel in his hands. He started calling me names and threatening to bury me alive in his backyard if I ever went near Dinah again. I didn't get why I was receiving such a warm welcome from him and said I didn't know what he was talking about. He then asked me how Dinah got all those bruises on her body. I had never been a smooth talker but this time I just overdid myself at being a useless liar. I couldn't come up with anything believable, so I just said she slipped down the stairs. Not surprisingly, he didn't believe me and tried to threaten me again, this time promising to rip my head off, so I figured now was the perfect time to retreat.

Music by Epidemic Sound:

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