
Trump just disrespected Boeing plane crash victims with callous and bizarre “advice” for the

Trump just disrespected Boeing plane crash victims with callous and bizarre “advice” for the Please Help Me To 100,000 Sub : Dems NEWS :

Trump just disrespected Boeing plane crash victims with callous and bizarre “advice” for the company

This morning, the president began his week with what is now a very familiar routine — his Twitter comments on the cable television news shows that he spends the majority of his executive time watching.
As usual, the president couldn’t make it hours into his day without saying something horrendously callous and disrespectful to grieving families. After watching what we can only assume was a report on the woes of Boeing’s malfunctioning new plane and the backlash to the hundreds of crash deaths that the Trump administration’s irresponsible lack of oversight is partially to blame for, “President Deals” took to the internet to offer his advice to the embattled company.

What do I know about branding, maybe nothing (but I did become President!), but if I were Boeing, I would FIX the Boeing 737 MAX, add some additional great features, & REBRAND the plane with a new name.
No product has suffered like this one. But again, what the hell do I know?

It’s unclear what exactly he’s trying to say here; but it appears that he’s comparing the disastrous plane crashes that killed 346 people to his presidency, which is admittedly not an inappropriate metaphor.
While it’s true that Donald Trump has been very successful in turning his name into a brand and using it to cultivate his ersatz image of a successful businessman, it’s obvious to anyone and everyone that it’s going to take more than “rebranding” to rebuild the image of a company that ignored the warnings of their own pilots and failed to take action to prevent — and we cannot stress this enough — the entirely preventable deaths of nearly three hundred and fifty people.
But it’s very telling that to Donald Trump, those deaths mean absolutely nothing and are just a minor bump in the road that can be smoothed over with something as superficial as a rebrand and some, uh, “great new features.”
Of course, it might be the $1 million Boeing donated to his inaugural committee and all the CEO’s visits to Mar-a-Lago that spurred the president to make this reprehensible statement.

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