
Worship Simandhar Swami to attain Moksha

Worship Simandhar Swami to attain Moksha Keval gyan could be achieved only in the presence (by darshan) of a livingTirthankara, and without Keval Gyan, no ultimate stage of liberation – Moksha could be arrived at. So currently, achieving Moksha from this earth is not possible as there has been no Tirthankara after lord Mahavira. Currently there are 20 Tirthankara in Mahavideh kshetra and of which Simandhar swami is nearest to our planet. Param Pujya Dadabhagwan attained rSelf-Realization and could visualize the whole universe and gave the Akram science to whole mankind by grace of Simandhar Swami. After Self-Realization one should truly know about Simandhar Swami and pray him with proper intent and after resolving all worldly discharge karmas, one can achieve ultimate salvation - Moksha.

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Tirthankara,Ultimate Liberation,Moksha,Simandhar swami,Lord Mahavira,Mahavideh Kshetra,Self Realization,Akram science,Karma resolving,Pure soul,living God,the living God,knowing the living God,a living God,house of the living God,living God meaning,Keval Gyan,

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