
12 Small Animals You Shouldn't Touch

12 Small Animals You Shouldn't Touch A peaceful picnic in the park, a hike in the woods, a relaxing swim in the sea: you wouldn’t expect unseen dangers to be lurking around every corner. But you might wanna keep an eye out for these nasty little critters, and never ever touch them!

For example, have you ever seen a kissing bug? Don’t be fooled by the name – there is nothing charming or romantic about these bloodsuckers. Or maybe you think a frog is a harmless creature? Well, if it comes to the golden poison frog, you should know that the coating on the skin of just one frog is enough to take down 10 humans! So, guys, check this list of small yet really dangerous animals and be safe!

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Geography Cone 0:23
Africanized Bee 1:10
The Golden Poison Frog 1:58
Kissing Bug 2:38
Puss Moth 3:16
Brazilian Wandering Spider 3:56
Tsetse Fly 4:54
Japanese Giant Hornet 5:24
Blue-Ringed Octopus 5:58
The Indian Red Scorpion 6:40
Tarantula Hawk 7:20
Bullet Ant 8:42

#dangerousanimals #insects #poisonousinsects

Music by Epidemic Sound

- Geography cone – it’s a snail. The sophisticated pattern of its shell is valuable among collectors, but if you pick one up, you could find yourself being pierced with a life-threateningly toxic harpoon-like tooth that the snail shoots out in the blink of an eye.
- Also called killer bees, Africanized bees have a tendency to swarm and are known to chase a perceived threat down for over 1 mile (1.6 km)!
- The golden poison frog may obtain poison by eating a certain beetle, which means you could probably safely touch one that was raised without its natural food source.
- Puss moth is actually a collection of hairs that can be pretty irritating if you touch them. Add to that the fact that they cover extremely poisonous spines, and you’ve got yourself one dangerous little moth!
- That lack of fear and readiness to attack combined with its wandering nature is what makes Brazilian wandering spider so dangerous. In search for shelter during the daytime, they can crawl into clothes, boots, plants, and boxes.
- Native to Africa, mostly in the sub-Saharan parts of the continent, the tsetse fly is most infamous not only for its painful bite but also because of the disease it carries.
- Japanese giant hornet feeds on other insects like honeybees, other hornets, and praying mantises. As for the venom in its sting, it attacks the nervous system, damages tissues, and may induce an allergic reaction.
- Although the bite of the blue-ringed octopus is often painless, the powerful neurotoxin in it is 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide.
- Native to Nepal, Pakistan, and (obviously) India, the Indian Red Scorpion is one of the most feared arachnids on the planet. What’s worse, they like to live near people.
- Dr. Justin Schmidt developed the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, yeah, to measure the painfulness of different stingers. He described the sting of a Tarantula Hawk as causing quote “immediate, excruciating pain that simply shuts down one’s ability to do anything, except, perhaps, scream.”
- Bullet ant is the largest of all ants in the world with a bite that feels like a bullet piercing the skin! Dr. Schmidt described the sensation as “waves of burning, throbbing, all-consuming pain that continues unabated for up to 24 hours.”

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dangerous animals,dangerous creatures,dangerous critters,poisonous insects,deadliest insects,weird creatures,bizarre creatures,unique creatures,Geography Cone,Africanized Bee,killer bees,Golden Poison Frog,Kissing Bug,Puss Moth,Brazilian Wandering Spider,Tsetse Fly,Japanese Giant Hornet,Blue-Ringed Octopus,Indian Red Scorpion,Tarantula Hawk,Bullet Ant,deadly frog,poison frog,poisonous spiders,

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