
Motherhood | Episode 5 | Truth Be Told

Motherhood | Episode 5 | Truth Be Told Before we even know who we are and what we want out of life, women are expected to mother, to ultimately be mothers. And for women of color? There are added financial and cultural pressures as well as legacies of historical trauma and present-day racism that we are often up against.

How do all these forces impact the choice to be a mother? And how might we reimagine what it even means to be a mother? In this episode of Truth Be Told, we talk with women at various stages of life about the choice to have children.

Special Guests: Audrey Gallo, Tanya Mendez, Jennifer DeVere Brody.

Truth Be Told, from KQED, is an advice show made by and for people of color, hosted by Tonya Mosley.

Truth Be Told is funded in part by a grant from the California Wellness Foundation. With a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, the foundation’s vision is for every resident of California to enjoy good health and experience wellness.

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Truth Be Told,Tonya Mosley,podcast,black podcast,advice show,POC,mothers,should I have kids,women of color,when should I have kids,oprah magazine,pbs,kqed,people of color,am i ready to be a mom,Audrey Gallo,Tanya Mendez,Jennifer DeVere Brody,

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