Cow 🐂🐄Buffalo🐃 Supplier 🚛All over India
Karnal(Haryana) - to Your Location
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Harshit Gupta
Web : www.GuptaDairyFarm.in
We are From
Gupta Dairy Farm
City- Karnal
👉 We DeaL In
Murrah Buffaloes🐃
Sahiwal Cows
🐂H.F Cows🐄
Tharparkar🐂Jersey,Rathi,Red Sindhi,Hariana Cows.
👉 All India Transport with Permit(Govt Permission ),Caretaker Facility Available at Reasonable Price.
👉Guest Room Also Available For Stay.
👉 Milking & Pregnant Cattle Supply.
Both Type Cows, Buffaloes Available.
👉We Supply 1st, 2nd ,3rd Lactation Cows and Buffaloes .
Quantity 👌and Price will be Vary by Cattles.🐃🐂
Depend Upon
Age,Lactation,Milk Yield🍶
Pregnant or Non Pregnant
Beauty,Breed Etc
If Any Enquiry msg me on Email
#Murrahbuffalosupplier #harshitguptadairyfarm #haryanamurrahbuffalo