That's my jam. Right? So when we welcomed on Jordan Belfort, the wolf of Wall Street, the rail wolf of Wall Street to door to door con 2019 that's how we welcomed him as a tribe, right? And we're all sitting there. It's the big event. There's thousands of people in the audience. And then we see Jordan Belfort coming up the stage, me and him slap five were like mm. And it was so fun to see him. Not Leonardo Dicaprio, but him in his element. It's so funny because we're real alateen. He's like, we never did that. And that was like the punchline. It's like we never did that. A lot of the movie, I was actually really real in his interview when I did the podcast with Jordan. It was very much like, hey, they, they hit it spot on, different names and substituting different things.
Matthew mcconaughey actually came up with this, but the reality is he's like, dude, it was wild and I want to see case. So there's a lot of controversy with the wolf of Wall Street, right? It's like, man, he scammed all these people. He took this money. But one of the coolest things about his speech at door to door con was how humble and retentive he was around that. He realized, man, I use sales psychology for the bad, but you can use sales psychology and manipulation for the good. You know, I sat down with the number one closer in solar yesterday training for the university and putting his content in there. And what he said is, he said, look, I have to be a good closer. I have to be a good solar closer because the reality is is if I don't close them there, there is no other meeting, there is no other opportunity.
There is no chance that they will ever go with solar. Therefore they're going to be stuck with the monopoly, paying too much for power if I'm not a good closer. And that's one thing I love about sales and psychology and the things that Jordan Belfort teaches in the, the way of the wolf. It's one of the coolest sales books, very technical, very like on point. So one of those guys, I'd say recommend getting that book. It taught me a lot. I love the straight line persuasion techniques. I love the three tens of certainty, how he says you have to be a 10 out of 10 on the product. You have to be a 10 out of 10 on the company. You have to be a 10 out of 10 on you. And if you're not a 10 out of 10 on you product or company, they don't buy very simple.
You want to get to a to B, which is a close. You've got to go straight line. You've got to go right to it and say 10 out of 10 on all these things and figure out what their Brian threshold is. So Jordan Belfort's been an awesome mentor, good buddy now, and we collaborate on a few things, but I actually want to see so, so at door to door come, what was so cool is I have this on my truck, right? I knocked doors and it's like I wear it with pride. I drive the streets, I pull into a parking lot ladies. Like what does that, what does that mean? I knocked doors, right? I've been asked that by old lady at Applebee's and she's like, so like, I'm like, no, it means what it is. It's just I knocked doors. It's just like, what do you mean?
I'm like, I knocked doors for a living. Like that is my profession because door to door [inaudible] door to our university door to our podcasts, all of this, the tribe is to create a movement. People, it's to say, I want to wear this shirt that says I knocked doors and we give these out at door to door con. I want to give these to everyone so that they can wear them with pride because oftentimes you don't wear this profession of door to door salesperson as a profession. We say it's a temporary, it's a side job. It's a thing until I get a real job, so take some prize because you know it's cool. Jordan Belfort came from door to door. He sold meat for years. That's where he got hit. He cut his teeth in sales. Some of the greatest people we know, like you know Sara Blakely, the richest woman in the world, the owner of spanx knocked doors, Mark Cuban, knocked doors, Paul, majority of knocked doors.
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