People choose to be a victim, this has run ramped in todays society. People actively choose to do nothing and refuse to accept that they have the power to create their own reality and change it to how they see fit. People place limitations upon themselves because of fear of failing or the unknown, the fear of pain. However most do not realize that pain is the most essential aspect of growth because without it you stay stagnate or you grow weaker. This is most commonly known as dying in your 20's and being buried in your 60's. If you take 100% responsibility you will gain more confidence about yourself and your abilities that you previously thought improbable or downright impossible, taking 100% responsibility for not only your actions but the things you may have previously deemed beyond your control or reach of influence will broaden your imagination of what you thought was possible. don't look at this video and take my word for it, please do your own research and gather knowledge for yourself so you can make the decisions that matter to you.
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