
Best Methods and Strategies to learn English / Conquer the English language

Best Methods and Strategies to learn English / Conquer the English language #EnglishFluencyJourney#AmericanAccent#howto becomefluentinenglish#methodstolearnenglish

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Hey Everyone! ) I’m Anna and welcome to my channel. Here, I post some useful information for English learners. I’m from Ukraine and I’ve worked on my English and accent, for the most part, on my own, but you can find out and trace my story by watching my videos. I’ve been studying American pronunciation for a long time, and I still do, and I guess I always will – because it’s not math. Learning a language, it’s a lifetime journey. I know exactly what it takes to become fluent and acquire an accent in a non-English speaking country, and I’ve never even been to one. And I’m sharing this information here – on my channel.

instagram page - hannahkhoma
Facebook page - English Fluency Journey

Firstly, we’ll talk about strategy, strategic planning. This is where we’re going to take a look at a bigger picture. This is where we have to identify opportunities; this is where we have minimize fails. To put it easily and understandably it means figuring out all the things you need do and steps you need to take to accomplish your goal. We have to perform analysis and monitor progress.

Primarily - and this is essential, to have an ultimate goal, to set an ultimate goal for yourself. Meaning “How do you see yourself in the future?” In terms of English language. We already know that we want to learn English.

1. Foremost - What do you need it for? Why do you want to learn English?
Maybe for traveling - so, you want to travel and communicate freely with people from all around the world.
Maybe for your job. So, either you want to get a promotion or you see yourself giving presentations in English or negotiating with other international companies.
Or perhaps, you want to study or work in an English speaking country.
Or you just love this language so much and you want to learn it for yourself.
Whatever your goal is – figure it out.

2. Think of your current situation and assess it.
You’re a mom or dad of two, three kids. You have a full time job and maybe plus home chores and plus kids. You’re an entrepreneur and you have a pretty much flexible schedule. Or you’re a student. Or you’re someone who has a lot free time.
Now, think how many hours and when you can spend studying. And add to your schedule. This is important. Start slowly. But be consistent. I can’t stress it enough. You have to make it a habit first.

Figure out your weak spots. What is the hardest for me? Is it grammar? Is it pronunciation? Am I a very shy person, and that affects my communication skills? Or maybe it’s listening skills? Or whatever you think your Achilles heel is, so to speak?

#1 Systemized method. This is for people who like everything to be in order or for those people who are craving for this organized system. When it’s not exactly in their nature, but they know they need this, that it’s going to help them to stay determined and concentrated. Especially if you’re working on your English under your own steam. Or if you have a busy schedule. It’s very effective as long as you fallow it.

#2 Total immersion method.
Immerse yourself in the language as much as it is possible for you. The point here is too create an environment as close as you can to natural.

#3 combined method.
In addition to all that immersion and developing a natural comprehension, you’ll need quality practice time as well. Like to work on pronunciation and dealing with grammar rules.

#4 Passive learning method.
This one is the easiest and of course not that effective, but not useless!
If you don’t have the goal to get to the core of the English language))) and let’s say you learn it for fun, for travelling, but you don’t mind the additional bonus of better perception and grasp of English, then it’s for you.

One piece of advice - don’t focus on something that you can’t do – let’s not search for problems, but rather focus on their solutions.

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