The business on offer today is a Cafe Restaurant Fully Licensed located in Dayboro Qld 4521
Located in Dayboro 46km North-Northwest of Brisbane
Business is priced to sell and includes plant and equipment ($70,000 owners estimate)
Established 18+ years with strong local following and repeat business. Current owner 11 years
Dayboro offers many lifestyle choices with its stunning vistas, vineyards, bush-walks, and picturesque scenery
Great opportunity for someone with passion and energy to put their stamp toward this well established and proven business
Key points include:
Well-established ~ 18+ years and can demonstrate healthy profit margins
Owner estimates approximately $70,000 in realistic value for plant and equipment included.
Well Branded and Recognised, Prime Location, Corner Position, Ample parking, Seats up to 40, New Lease as of July 2019 (3+3+3)
Liquor sales, modern and well maintained fit out
Strong local following with regular and repeat business.
Lifestyle advantages
Operates: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday 11am–2pm, 5–8pm, Sunday, 8am–2pm, Tuesdays Closed
YES they close the shop for a full 4 weeks each and every year for a well-deserved holiday break
Ideal for owner operator or partnership
Do not miss out on enquiring about this business
For more information Call or SMS “CRD” to 0412 179 306
For more information about Cafe Restaurant Fully Licensed Dayboro please complete a confidentiality agreement.
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Exclusively listed with WHATPRICEMYBUSINESS Pty Ltd
Call or SMS “CRD” to 0412 179 306 for further details.
Disclaimer: The above information regarding Cafe Restaurant Fully Licensed Dayboro has been provided by the vendor “as is” and is intended to provide general information only. WHATPRICEMYBUSINESS Pty Ltd has not audited or verified the financials. We recommend that before acting on this information, you should conduct your own due diligence and consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you obtain professional advice from a suitably qualified advisor before making any financial, taxation, investment, retirement or legal decisions.
Business for Sale Cafe Restaurant Fully Licensed Dayboro Qld $99,000
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A restaurant is a business which prepares and serves food and drinks to customers in exchange for money.
Cafe Restaurant for Sale $99,000 Business for sale Dayboro. Business for sale Dayboro