
Your NoFap Journey Depends on THIS...

Your NoFap Journey Depends on THIS... Many of us are confused as to how to make our purpose for our NoFap journey strong enough to avoid falling back into bad habits. The key to being able to blast through the urge to relapse is to pour all of your focus, energy, and drive into something that excites you, something that if you were to accomplish it, it would completely change your life.

This pursuit is what I like to call a passion pursuit, and it’s a vital piece of being able to successfully quit porn for good. You need to become so invested in fulfilling this purpose that relapsing is NOT an option anymore because you KNOW that if you are to relapse, you WILL NOT achieve whatever that big goal is.

For me, this big goal was to make it to the PGA Tour as a pro golfer. I did EVERYTHING I possibly could to achieve this goal- I quit my job, I invested thousands of dollars in travel, tournament fees, and equipment. I spent week after week alone on the road traveling in pursuit of my goal. And I KNEW, with every ounce of my being that I would not achieve it if I didn’t stay true to living a porn free lifestyle. This made relapsing NOT AN OPTION for me, and allowed me to internalize the lifestyle to the point where I don’t ever think of porn anymore. In fact, I can’t believe that I once even had a problem using it.

And in the end, I didn’t achieve my goal of making it to the PGA Tour, but I did crush my bad habit of using porn, and this major change led me to my new purpose- writing and creating on YouTube, with the goal of making the biggest positive impact that I possibly can on the world.

You too can crush your porn habit by using this same strategy, and frankly, your life DEPENDS ON IT.

So I ask you now, what’s that one thing that excites you the most of you were to achieve it?

Focus on that. Go all in. Don’t hold back. Pour everything you have into that pursuit and become so fucking focused that relapse is no longer an option for you. Once you do this, you become unstoppable. And the world needs more unstoppable people- the world needs YOU, and it needs you right NOW.
Tired of struggling to quit using porn? Sick of relapsing over and over and over again? Want to regain your joy, wonder, and love for life and rediscover who you are on your deepest level?

Check out my newest book available on Amazon!

A Brand New You | The Ultimate Guide for Quitting Porn and Self-Transformation

#1 Best-Seller in Sexual Health
#1 New Release in Sexual Health
#1 New Release in Sexual Addiction

A Brand New You (ebook)
A Brand New You (paperback)

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