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Conservative Party MPs who vote against the government on Brexit issues, have been warned that they will have the party whip removed and be deselected, so be unable to stand for the party in any up-coming election.
Cue more Remainer melt-down.
One former Tory MP now Independent, Nick Boles, said that this move proved that the hard right had taken over.
He also Tweeted out:
"Johnson truly is Britain’s Trump. There is no institution, no relationship and no international commitment that he is not willing to sacrifice to achieve a No Deal Brexit. He is turning the Conservative and Unionist Party into the English National Party. He must be stopped."
And another former Tory MP Anna Soubry Tweeted:
"There is a growing sense of outrage, a sense this is no longer our country this is not the British way. Suspending Parliament to stifle debate, bullying & blackmailing long serving loyal MPs & threatening to defy the rule of law. That’s the way of the far left not @Conservatives."
Personally I would put it as the people's democracy taking over from a parliament now infested with anti-democrats who lied through their teeth at the last election about respecting the will of the people as shown in the 2016 referendum. But hey ho.
The former Justice Secretary, David Gauke, has also written to the Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, to get a commitment from the government that it will abide by the rule of law.
And all because, when asked what the government would do if parliament managed to get anti-Brexit legislation through, Michael Gove said that they would have to wait and see what the legislation said.
What he said on the Andrew Marr show was: "We will see what the legislation says when it is brought forward." and referring to the Article 50 legislation already in place, he said: "For me, the point is that we already have legislation in place, which an overwhelming majority of MPs voted for."
But what I would also like to see is David Gauke write to the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, and demand that he firstly stop spouting his non-impartial anti-Brexit rehetoric in public, and secondly abide tightly in these tense times to the House of Commons Rule Book as well as Erskine May and not go around dropping his procedurally 're-interpreted' decisions like hand grenades all around the house.
But I would suspect that Gauke would want Bercow to do the exact opposite of that and really get to breaking and modifying the rules. In fact you have to wonder, if he's already written to him asking for just that, don't you?
Anyway, some of those MPs who could find themselves on the political scrapheap are moaning that it's not fair because some ministers defied Theresa May and were left to get on with it. With Philip Hammond calling the move 'hypocritical'.
My reply to them would be - that shows you how weak May was and why she came back from Brussels with such a terrible deal and why she almost lost the 2017 General Election when offered an almost open goal for a large majority.
Now that someone with a bit of bottle is there to hold them all to account, they don't like it.
There is also speculation that this is designed to try and up the pressure to trigger a general election, with Laura Kuennsberg, the BBC political editor writing:
"But the nature of the threat is also a sign that No 10 is actively considering whether they will have to call a general election, and soon."
Now, in normal circumstances time is definitely on the side of the government. Although there are still 59 calendar days to Brexit Day, the anti-Brexit mob only have 18 planned sitting days to do anything.
And, with a prorogation in between that would neutralise any unfinished work they undertake in the first seven of those 18 days prior to the shutting down of parliament, they really have a task on their hands.
But these are not normal times and a government would not normally be facing three court actions in a week on the constitutional matter of proroguing parliament nor having to deal with a now openly biassed Speaker in the form of John Bercow.