
Bright is the Future of our Fatherland with Reliable Young People | Korean Youth March

Bright is the Future of our Fatherland with Reliable Young People | Korean Youth March Daily Rodong Sinmun features Youth Day
The daily "Rodong Sinmun" carried an editorial under the title "Bright is the future of our fatherland with reliable young people" on the 28th on the occasion of Youth Day.
The editorial said.
The long history of the Korean youth movement is the history associated with the original idea of the great leaders on attaching importance to youth and their wise leadership. It is also the proud history in which ardent loyalty of the Korean young people to the Party and the leader, the country and people and their patriotic devotion have been powerfully demonstrated.
The editorial called for exalting the proud history and tradition of the Korean youth movement and fully showing the revolutionary spirit and stamina of the heroic youth in today's general march under the leadership of the great WPK
Korean Youth March - Unhasu Orchestra
Composition: Kim Won Gyun
Lyrics: Kim Ryong Ho
Year of Creation: 1947


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