
Dog Potty Accident or Medical Issue - 101 Essential Dog Health and Safety Tips Tip 58

Dog Potty Accident or Medical Issue - 101 Essential Dog Health and Safety Tips Tip 58 If your dog is having potty accidents, they're not doing it to spite you. It could be a medical issue. This and 100 other tips in our Behavior & Training book:

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You love your pets -- they're part of your family. They're your running buddies, your clowns, your cuddle partners, and your children's playmates. They give you unconditional love and are there for you whenever and however you need -- even when you just need to smile. In return, they rely on you to keep them happy, healthy, and safe.

At The Preventive Vet, our mission is to help you do just that so you and your pets can enjoy a long, happy life together. We're passionate about helping you keep your pets safe from emergencies, and we've got the experience and advice to help you do so.

We're not going to cram anything down your throat, judge your pet care decisions, or suggest you keep your pets in a bulletproof bubble. After all, we know pets are about companionship, love, and enjoying life to its fullest. We just want to provide you with what you need to safeguard that relationship.

Pet emergencies are common. And though they range in both severity and price, many will cost you anywhere from several hundred to a few thousand dollars, and many can cause your pet debilitating pain, illness, or even death.

You likely don't have unlimited time or financial resources, but you obviously want to do what you can to keep your pets safe from preventable injuries, illnesses, poisonings, and other emergencies. That's why The Preventive Vet offers a wide range of practical advice, pet safety information, and products.

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