
Fr. Connole Proclaims How The Gospel Gives Preference To Right Handers But Gives True Freedom To All

Fr. Connole Proclaims How The Gospel Gives Preference To Right Handers But Gives True Freedom To All Fr. Connole proclaims and explains how in the Gospel, there was a man with a withered right hand in the synagogue, on the sabbath day. Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, called the man with the withered hand to the front of the synagogue where all in attendance could see the man and his withered hand. When the man was situated in the front of the synagogue, our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, posed some questions to the congregation.

Then, the man's withered right hand was fully restored to a completely healthy state by the healing power and infinite love and mercy of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ.

The man was a new man, with a new hand, with a new freedom. Fr. Connole explains that before the healing, when the man's right hand was withered, he experienced embarrassment and rejection from society because of his deformity and disadvantage, which made the man an outcast from mainstream society.

The healing gave the man physical freedom to use his hand normally with full dexterity, emotional freedom to be accepted by mainstream society as being "normal", and spiritual freedom to grow in grace by the healing power and infinite love and mercy of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ.

Fr. Connole concludes his homily by sharing the observation that in the Gospel it is evident that our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, transcended the sabbath day law of no healing on the sabbath, and blessed the man with the withered hand, with healing and love, for the greater good of all, which gave freedom to the man who was healed and freedom to mainstream society as well.

Fr Marlin Connole,Fr Connole right handers,Fr Connole true freedom to all,Gospel of the man with the withered right hand,Fr Connole palm desert,

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