
Policies for Economic Prosperity (Lessons from the Hoover Policy Boot Camp) | Introduction

Policies for Economic Prosperity (Lessons from the Hoover Policy Boot Camp) | Introduction While the economy is growing, there are clear challenges ahead from an ever-growing federal budget. There is also a potential fallout from tariffs and their effect on trade and investment. One way to boost the economy is through sensible immigration policy, although navigating that issue has been difficult in recent times.

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Click below to watch the other videos in this series:

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

Additional Resources:

Read “A New Immigration Game Plan for the New Congress,” by Edward Lazear in the Wall Street Journal, available here:

Read “Send Us Your Young, Your Educated” by Edward Lazear in the Wall Street Journal, available here:

In “Examining America’s Exceptional Economy,” Edward Lazear explores what has made America's economy successful, what sets it apart from other nations, and what needs to be done to sustain its prominence in the global economy. Available here:

Hoover Institution senior fellow Ed Lazear discusses immigration and the economy on the Larry Kudlow Show. Listen here:

Hoover Institution senior fellow Ed Lazear says that the United States will face increasing economic competition from fast-growing countries like China and India while technological advances change the makeup of the job market. To minimize disruption, innovation in our education system and fair immigration policy are necessary. To read more, click here:

Read “How should we value immigrants, and how should that affect immigration reform?”
by Edward Paul Lazear, available here:

Read John Cochrane’s chapter “Trade and Immigration” in Blueprint for America here:

Read “America’s Exceptional Economy” by Edward Lazear here:

Read “How Trump Can Hit 3% Growth – Maybe” by Edward Lazear. Available here:

Read “The Surprising Factor for Immigrant Success” by Edward Lazear. Available here:

Read “Bad and Good Inequality” by Gary Becker. Available here:
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Hoover Institution,Hoover Institute,Edward Lazear,Immigration,US,Economy,Immigration Policy Immigrants,Jobs,Entrepreneurs,Green Cards,Deficit,Taxes,Spending,Economic Growth,

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