
TIYO™ Fast Mover - The precision buying tool!

TIYO™ Fast Mover - The precision buying tool! Welcome to TIYO fast mover®

TIYO collects, collaborates and analyses online product information from the public domain to inform you of the best selling products.

Search among 6 countries, 18 + world leading retailers & more than 2000 brands to see what items are selling fastest in the fashion market right now and historically.

Creating simple comp shops is easy and exporting the data to use internally for you and your team is simple.

TIYO is for everyone. From retailer buyers, brand buyers and also design driven suppliers TIYO™

can help you to adjust what items to put forward into development and what not. Backed up by true real-time consumer data.

Available on desktop, tablet and mobile. So you can get the best out of every moment.

Join the fashion industry disrupter & power tool for making precise buying decisions NOW.

Join us now by visiting


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