
Cleaning my ear because it is dirty

Cleaning my ear because it is dirty Healthy Life Channel

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The ear is an organ for listening. We should constantly monitor our health and live a high standard of hygiene and stop any action that affects the ears, such as water in the ears, cramps, or larynx, as it leads to friction as a source of viruses. If you have an ear problem, you should see a doctor because your doctor has a device to look at what should be removed and what should not be removed.

耳は聞くための器官です。 私たちは常に健康状態を監視し、高水準の衛生状態を保ち、耳の水、けいれん、喉頭などの耳に影響を与える行動を停止する必要があります。 耳に問題がある場合は、医師が診察する必要があります。医師は、何を取り除くべきか、何を取り除くべきでないかを調べる装置を持っているからです。

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