
What About Partners That Want Rescuing? [Attachment Styles]

What About Partners That Want Rescuing? [Attachment Styles] If you have ever found yourself caught in a relationship dynamic where you are always playing the role of rescuer or savior to your partner, or you seem to always attract partners that want to save or rescue you, this 6-minute video is the one to watch.

Equally, if you tend to slip into WANTING to be rescued in your relationships, but then feeling resentful, irritated, trapped, or beholden to your savior of a partner, this is also the video for you.

Because I am going to explain how both anxious and avoidantly attached individuals can end up playing the role of rescuer, and the psychology behind WANTING to be rescued, which usually obscures a NEED to be challenged.

To find out more, check it out!

Video Referenced:

⭐Still time to Purchase Relationship Rescue: A Toolkit for Healthy Communication in Unstable Relationships for 40% off!⭐

In my new course, Relationship Rescue: A Toolkit for Healthy Communication in Unstable Relationships, we focus on the visceral, and use creative, non-verbal communications and body activation, to help you connect with a partner on an emotional--versus a purely intellectual--playing field.

In a nutshell, this course includes 7 fun and easy dates to decode emotionally honest communication, get your needs met, and establish a soul connection with a lover, without having to talk in circles for hours or even years on end, with no tangible result.

To facilitate this experience, fun, easy, and creative exercises are demonstrated, so emotions can be accessed creatively, and non-defensively.

For instance, you’ll learn a 5-step focus wheel to help identify your fears, limiting beliefs, and deepest desires, which will take you from reacting defensively, to showing up authentically, in a way that gets your needs met.

I’ll also teach you how to tell the difference between deep and surface structure communications, plus 6 easy steps to bridge the emotional gap with your lover, using mindful communication and body activation.

Go here, to learn more, and take advantage of our Black Friday Offer!


You’ll be so glad you did!

Attachment,attachment styles,attachment theory,anxious attachment,anxious-ambivalent attachment,avoidant attachment,insecure attachment,secure attachment,disorganized attachment,art therapy,creative arts therapy,mindfulness,fear of intimacy,relationships,dating,love,romance,dating advice,enmeshment,sex addiction,avoidance,boundaries,trauma,infidelity,emotionally unavailable,love addiction,love avoidance,bread crumbing,love-bombing,

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