
Einzelmiratz: It's a shame about the kids

Einzelmiratz: It's a shame about the kids I’ve struggled with the lyrics to this song, because I’ve never written an irony-free song before.
However, the topic is too serious for irony, and it’s an issue which is literally too hot to ignore: It seems that we’ve abused this planet for so long that the chickens are finally coming home to roost. While some are trying to adapt to the fact that things can’t go on like that, adjusting their routines and habits to the harsh realities of climate change, others reject the facts, are oblivious to truth and indulge in ever more excessive decadence and spend their time maligning and insulting a certain upright girl from Sweden.
In all this mess, there is one thought that never leaves my mind: It’s a shame about the kids, because none of this is their fault.


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