
Not a Scripted play. Truly and totally based on improvisation

Not a Scripted play. Truly and totally based on improvisation It’s totally improvisation and dialogue’s are not at all scripted it’s totally improvised by an artist on the spot. Only last monologue is a bit scripted and rehearsed. Just watch and enjoy because it is a play prepared in just 1 and a half day.
Defence lawyer : Aditya Bharakhda.

Acting,improvisation,monologue,not scripted,indian drama,drama,lead role,lead,lawyer role,criminal case,Police,court case,judge,lawyer,Artist,Artistic play,play,dramatics,theatre,theatre life,indian actor,how to do improvisation,easy improvisation,plays on court cases,plays on lawyer,plays on criminal,how to do acting,how to do natural acting,Easy acting,

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