
Brexit: What the EU REALLY thinks about May and Britain? REAL motivations of EU 27 today

Brexit: What the EU REALLY thinks about May and Britain? REAL motivations of EU 27 today Brexit: What the EU REALLY thinks about May and Britain? REAL motivations of EU 27 today

THE European Union is expected to reject Theresa May’s request for a Brexit extension as 27 EU leaders discuss the issue at a summit today - here is what they really think of the deal.

With a week ago until the UK officially leaves Brexit, European Union leaders are meeting to decide whether they back an Article 50 extension. Prime Minister Theresa May has formally requested the EU for a short Brexit extension from March 29 to June 30. But she is facing resistance from Brussels’ diplomats who say any delay should be either until May 23 - the date of the European Parliament elections - or the end of 2019.

The latter would mean the UK participating in EU elections, something that the Prime Minister has previously opposed.

This is what the EU really thinks about Theresa May and the UK - and how they expect the Brexit talks to pan out.

Reject Mrs May’s current extension

Brussels wants to reject the Prime Minister’s request for a June 30 extension and offer a shorter delay until May 22 before European Parliament elections start.

The proposed eight-week extension would be based on Mrs May’s plan being passed through Parliament.

A diplomat told Politico journalist Jack Banchard: “Expect Council to go short. Council is done with being made responsible for Tory party management — that’s May’s task.”

Strasbourg deal approvement

The EU27 are believed to formally approve the so-called Strasbourg agreement of changes to the deal that Mrs May agreed with Jean-Claude Juncker earlier this month.

Planning a longer extension behind closed doors

The EU does not actually expect Mrs May to get her Brexit deal through Parliament given her record to date, according to Politico.

Therefore, officials are expecting the plan to be rejected and will hold an emergency EU Council summit in Brexit on March 28 to revoke a shorter extension in place of a longer one.

Outlining conditions of the extension

The longer extension would be granted on understanding Britain participates in the European election on May 23, and that the Withdrawal Agreement is not going to be reopened under any circumstances.

Some nations also demand the UK shows how it intends to break the deadlock.

Likely options are a general election, second referendum or cross-party deal.

Ruling out a no deal

There is little appetite for the UK to exit the EU without a deal until Mrs May requests one, Politico adds.

They do not want EU27 nations to be blamed for the impact of a no-deal Brexit in the long term.

Brexit: What the EU REALLY thinks about May and Britain?,REAL motivations of EU 27 today,THE European Union is expected to reject Theresa May’s request for a,Brexit extension as 27 EU leaders discuss the issue at a summit today,here is what they really think of the deal.,A diplomat told Politico journalist Jack Banchard:,that Mrs May agreed with Jean-Claude Juncker earlier this month,that the Withdrawal Agreement is not going to be reopened under,

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