
[电影] 欲望爱人 Desire of A Wife, Eng Sub | 情感剧情 Romance Drama 1080P

[电影] 欲望爱人 Desire of A Wife, Eng Sub | 情感剧情 Romance Drama 1080P 故事简介: 电影《欲望爱人 Desire of A Wife》讲述 丁冬和男友郭峰明交往多年,两人之间的感情十分要好。两人共同来到了首都北京,希望能够在这个繁华的大都市里打拼出一片属于他们两人的小小天地。然而,现实要远比梦想残酷和冰冷的多,本来准备创业的王峰刚一出道就遭遇了失败,最终成为了一名小小的快递员,做的是最辛苦的工作,领的是最微薄的工资,叮咚将这一切看在眼里,疼在心里。为了支持男友的事业,叮咚决定找一份工作补贴家用,在朋友的介绍之下,她来到了一家桑拿会馆里,成为了那里的捏脚小妹。在纸醉金迷诸多诱惑的成人世界中,单纯善良的叮咚能够不忘初心,守护自己的纯真吗?本片或译《Desire To Love》

Plot Summary: Movie "Desire of A Wife 欲望爱人" is about a young “North Drift to Beijing” couple from a small place. the husband, Guo Fengming, is an express worker. Both want to stay in this beautiful city. The wife, Ding Dong, start to find a job. But finally she can only find a job as a masseuse. The husband had affairs with a young girl who make a living by selling her used underwear. and the wife step to sell her "service" ....

出品 Produced: 云来乐传媒 Cloud Happy Media
导演 Director: 大基
主演 Starring: 陈启, 凌迪, 王梦婷
题材 Feature: 都市情感 Romance, 剧情 Drama

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